Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Little Man

I've shot this little guy regularly for 2.5 years. This four year old has LOTS of energy. But every time I ask tell him it's picture time, he turns into a professional little model! Doesn't he look like he should be in a Baby Gap ad? Here's his latest. Consider this location in Cypress for you next shoot. e

Monday, October 20, 2008

About to Be One Busy Family!

So here's another one of those awesome clients I've gotten to be so close to. I did a session for her first maternity and newborn and here she is with her one year old and pregnant again! Her little girl has turned into a real beauty (I even snuck in an image of her as a newborn) and mom looks awesome again in her second pregnancy. This was a great session. Good luck mom, life is about to get a whole lot busier! e

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Long, Hot Summer

To keep my fingers nimble and my mind quick (wink, wink), I shot a couple clients and a few friends this summer. Here are some of my faves during those long, HOT months. Try to schedule your session before the summer months for everyone's sanity! e

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

All in the Family

So, I didn't just store away my camera in the past seven months the babies have been around. I consider myself extremely lucky to have a very close family. The great thing about them is that they can be around me without makeup, spit up on my shirt and with crying babies in the house! Here are some of my faves from the summer.

Danni, my cousin, and I are 5 months apart in age. We recently gave birth to our children three months apart. I hope our children are able to be as close cousins as we were growing up. Danni's son Michael is the calmest baby ever...a nice change from my rambunctious two girls! He was such a great little man for us this day. Enjoy Michael!

Another cousin, Drew (Danni's brother), had has two adorable little children, Avery and Mike (also named after his late grandfather). Mike was nine days old when Ike hit. Drew, his wife Laura and the two kids ended up staying with us for a week after Ike since we had electricity and no one else did. Imagine a three bedroom house with five adults (my sister too), three dogs, a 10 day old, two 6 month olds and one 17 month old! This is probably somewhat familiar for lots of you after Ike. I actually was disappointed when their power came back on. Life was fun, although hectic, for a week. Here is this great little family!

And, last, but definitely not least, are my brother's children. I've shot them over the years and, man, have they grown up! If you've come over to my home for a studio session or proofing, you have seen several portraits of these two. They are beautiful kids! I shoot them whenever I get a chance in whatever they are wearing at the moment. Here they are! e

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lovin' In the Country

Get this...he proposed on a boat, as the fireworks were exploding on the 4th of July, with all their family surrounding them, on the 2nd anniversary of their first date! Could a proposal get any more perfect than that?
I got to shoot Kelley and Derek at her family's ranch out in the country. To find great backgrounds, we just drove around, hopped out of the car and started shooting. It helps to have such a laid back couple, but, man, this was a fun shoot for me! We'll see Kelley again in a few months in her bridal gown...but not at the wedding. For the record, I don't shoot weddings but I know some awesome wedding photographers I can refer you to. Enjoy this great couple! e

Monday, October 6, 2008

One Beautiful Family

I was lucky enough to shoot little miss G last year for her one year old portraits. She was a great model then and things haven't changed for her two year portraits. I had a great time with this easy-going family. And, man, did we get some beautiful images. How could we not with such a gorgeous family?! Thanks for the great shoot! e

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Itty Bitty Baby

Mr. K's mom is an old college friend who I haven't seen in YEARS! Recently, I saw her at a party and I was lucky enough to be chosen to photograph her pregnancy. However, Mr. K decided 40 weeks was way too long to stay inside his mom and 8 weeks early, out he came. He's a whopping 6 lbs here...up from 4 lbs a month ago. Enjoy this awesome family as much as I did. e


What have I been doing the past seven months you ask? Well, if a picture is worth a thousand words, here goes...

I had my identical twin girls, Arden and Emory, on March 21, 2008. They were both healthy babies and went home with me after two days. My days (and nights!) ever since have been consumed by bottles, diapers and belly laughs...and spit up, tears and sleepless nights. Those of you parents, which are most of you reading this, will agree with this: this has been the absolute toughest time of my life and most amazing, joyful time of my life.

After six months on the job of mommy, I am very excited to jump back into my passion! I am now offering a limited number of sessions every month to past clients only. I get a big thrill every time I get lucky enough to shoot a one year old baby who I shot as a newborn or to shoot a family of three that is now four. I don't want to miss out on anymore special times with all of you families I have come to know so well. I've had so much fun viewing session images that some of you have had with photographer friends of mine. I was so envious that I couldn't be there but I was happy that you got the best care possible from great photographers.

My session times and dates are definitely more limited than before. I have a nanny here with the girls which enables me to get out and shoot your family. Because of this, I can usually only shoot in Cypress (and we have some great locations here) and I don't shoot in my residential studio anymore. My orderly, calm home has turned into chaos with three dogs and two babies! Before booking a session, please read over the Pricing and Session Details pages for updated policies. Take a look at my new Calendar on my site at to view available session dates and times. If nothing works for you, send me an email with your availability and I'll try my hardest to get you in sometime.

Also, check in with me on my blog. Here I'll have my faves from the latest shoots and I'll probably even be that proud mommy who sneaks in great shots of her own kids! I just can't help it!
So it is with lots of excitement that I RESTART Erin Bily Ciment Photography! I will see YOU soon!
